UX San Antonio creates ways for people to connect, explore, and grow in the career field of user experience (UX).

Our Story

Volunteers helped Hector Carrillo and Bob Hotard launch Mission UX, a grassroots-based conference held in San Antonio for UX people. After two annual conferences, we decided we wanted more, an empowering community where we could help and be helped, learn, grow, and build relationships. Also, we wanted to meet with recruiters, experts, and business people.

At last, the first gathering packed the event space at iHeartMedia headquarters in San Antonio on Jan. 9, 2020, featuring Lou Rosenfeld, publisher for Rosenfeld Media. Because of the pandemic, we shifted to online meetings in February.

We use Meetup.com for event announcements and registration. So far, monthly events charge no admission price thanks to our generous sponsors. On the side, we offer volunteer projects and a Slack channel. Job seekers and career-changers can connect with us for a portfolio review, interview tips, or someone to talk to. Finally, some of our sponsors are staffing companies, and their recruiters participate on Slack as active members.

Our Nonprofit Fiesta for the Mind

Fiesta for the Mind is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that produces idea-focused communities in San Antonio, including:
* User Experience San Antonio (this organization)
* TEDxSanAntonio, a premier TEDx event community
* Creative Mornings San Antonio

To find out more about Fiesta for the Mind or our programs, reach out to the Fiesta for the Mind board president Susan Price at Susan@FirecatStudio.com.

A wise ally

Fortunately, we work under the umbrella of Fiesta for the Mind, a 501(c)(3) organization that supports events for TEDxSanAntonio, World Usability Day, and World Information Architecture (IA) Day. Therefore, UX San Antonio values Fiesta for the Mind founder Susan Price for her time and contributions as Advisor on our leadership team during this important first few years.

Ways we serve
  • Connect people in San Antonio’s robust UX job market.
  • Support learning and growth for all skill levels.
  • Create opportunities for UXers in our community.
  • Expand awareness of the benefits of human-centered design (HCD).
  • Have fun!